Cerebral circulatory insufficiency, a disease that belongs to no one

Cerebral circulatory insufficiency, a disease that belongs to no one

Currently, cerebral circulatory insufficiency is becoming more and more common. The number of infected people is not only seen in middle age, but tends to be younger. Finding out and early detection of cerebral circulatory insufficiency is very important so that it can be treated promptly, quickly reduce symptoms and prevent any risks.

What is cerebral circulatory insufficiency?

Cerebral circulatory insufficiency is a disease caused by lack of blood supply to the brain, reducing the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain, making brain neurons not have enough energy to function, thereby affecting the brain. functional activity of the brain.

People prone to cerebral circulatory insufficiency are middle-aged and older, especially in intellectual workers and the elderly. However, the incidence of cerebral circulatory insufficiency is getting younger and younger, so the rate of cerebral ischemia is very high.

Cerebral palsy can happen to anyone
Cerebral palsy can happen to anyone

Causes of cerebral circulatory insufficiency

Cerebral circulatory insufficiency can be caused by many causes, of which the main ones are:

  • Atherosclerosis: According to research, 80% cases of cerebral circulatory insufficiency are caused by atherosclerosis. At this time, the lumen of the artery is hardened, narrowed or atherosclerotic plaque is dislodged, blocking the local blood vessel, causing the blood vessel lumen to narrow, making it difficult for blood to flow.  
  • High blood pressure: When the pressure on the vessel wall is high, the blood vessels will be weakened thereby forming cracks. Cholesterol, platelets easily accumulate there and create atherosclerotic plaque.
  • Red blood cell malformation: Normally, red blood cells are oval in shape to move easily through the blood vessels. However, in some people with malformations of red blood cells, they will have a crescent shape, the process of transporting red blood cells will be more difficult and there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
  • Cardiovascular disease: arrhythmia, valvular disease, myocardial ischemia, heart failure... making the heart unable to pump blood to the brain, leading to cerebral circulatory insufficiency.
  • Compression of blood vessels: due to spondylolisthesis, disc herniation, external factors such as accidents, spinal injuries, ... can affect blood vessels, causing pressure to make it difficult for blood to circulate.

In addition to the above causes, there are many risk factors leading to cerebral circulatory insufficiency such as obesity, diabetes, people with an unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary, staying up late, lack of sleep and Those who often experience pressure in life are also at high risk of cerebral circulatory insufficiency.

Blood clots are the main cause of cerebral circulatory insufficiency
Blood clots are the main cause of cerebral circulatory insufficiency

Symptoms of cerebral circulatory insufficiency

Depending on the cause and location of the injury, cerebral circulatory insufficiency will have different symptoms. However, typical symptoms are:

  • Headache: A common symptom and also appears quite early in the early stages. Pain is diffuse, spasm, localized in the nape, forehead.
  • Insomnia: impaired cerebral circulation causes tossing and turning, difficult to fall asleep, or sleep but not deep, easy to wake up, wake up and then it is difficult to fall back to sleep.
  • Dizziness: Difficulty keeping balance, stumbling easily when walking or standing, always feeling dizzy, sometimes dark eyes can't see.
  • Memory impairment: Short-term memory, difficulty remembering new concepts.
  • Sensory disturbances: Feelings of inauthenticity, for example, feeling like being crawled by ants, ticks, noises in the ears… both during the day and at night.
  • Poor concentration: Lethargy, absent-mindedness, or incoherent thinking.
  • Emotional disturbance: Uncontrollable emotions, emotional levels increase more than normal.
Cerebral circulatory insufficiency makes it difficult for patients to remember and forget
Cerebral circulatory insufficiency makes it difficult for patients to remember and forget

Diagnosis of cerebral circulatory insufficiency

The diagnosis of cerebral circulatory insufficiency is based on symptoms on clinical examination and a number of other laboratory investigations such as:

  • Electroencephalogram
  • Computed tomography angiography (CTA)
  • X-ray
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Hematology tests: check blood clotting function, blood lipids, etc.

Treatment of cerebral circulatory insufficiency

Depending on the cause and severity of the cerebral circulatory insufficiency, your doctor will recommend a variety of treatments, including medication or surgical intervention.

Use medicine to treat 

To improve symptoms due to cerebral circulatory insufficiency, doctors often prescribe a number of drugs including:

  • Dizziness and headache relief medications both oral and injectable contain ingredients such as tanganil, sibelium, etc.
  • Drugs that increase cerebral circulation such as stugeron, piracetam
  • Medicines to treat chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, low blood pressure, high blood pressure, diabetes, ..
  • Brain tonics and mineral supplements such as magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, etc.

Surgical treatment

Usually indicated in patients at risk of developing cerebrovascular events, most commonly at risk of ischemic stroke. Surgical methods usually focus on two large arteries that bring blood to the brain, the carotid artery and the vertebral artery - basilar. Depending on the location of the impact, the degree of influence that the doctor will appoint the appropriate surgical method for each case.

New solution to improve cerebral circulatory insufficiency

In order not to have to face dangerous complications of the disease, limit side effects when taking long-term western medicine, medical experts recommend that patients should use more specialized complementary products for the brain, overcome all problems caused by cerebral circulatory insufficiency.

One of the outstanding products on the market that can be used every day is TPBVSK Ginaci Q10 With ingredients including: Nattokinase, Ginkgo Biloba, Coenzyme Q10, Citicoline, Magnesium, Iron, Vitamin B6 to support blood activity and enhance cerebral blood circulation. In addition, the product also helps to reduce symptoms caused by cerebral circulatory insufficiency, poor blood circulation, headaches, insomnia, memory impairment, neck pain, numbness in the limbs.

Brain tonic pills help improve headaches, dizziness effectively
Brain tonic pills help improve headaches, dizziness effectively

Hopefully, through the above article, you have a good understanding of cerebral circulatory insufficiency and its symptoms so that you can take timely intervention measures. If you have any questions about cerebral circulatory insufficiency, please leave a comment below or call the toll free hotline 1800.64.68.66 for advice as soon as possible.

Reference source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6489997/



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